The CGS Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp is primarily funded by the Sony Foundation and supported by Canberra Grammar School. Camps are run across Australia at more than 20 boarding schools and universities, but the one held at CGS is the only one in Canberra.

The students and the children move into the Boarding House for three days. During this time the students, along with a small team of volunteers, are responsible for the care of the children 24 hours a day. They participate in a range of activities including line dancing, dragon boating, swimming and cooking – celebrating with a mini-fete and Christmas party.

The students learn how to care for a child with special needs and past participants have described it as a life-changing experience.

The camp has enormous benefits for all participants. The children are treated to three days of activities and interactions they may never have had the chance to experience, while their parents and carers get some respite at the time of year when they need it most. For some, this will be their only break of the year.

To support or volunteer please contact the CGS Community Development Office.