Admissions FAQs

Admissions FAQs

How do I apply for my child to attend Canberra Grammar School (CGS)?

The enrolment process is outlined on the Enrolment Process page, and you can submit your application online via that page. You must submit an application and a non-refundable fee of $200 via our website. Submitting an application does not guarantee enrolment.

My child has not yet been born. Can I put their name on the waitlist?

Your child must be born at the time of application, as the full name and true date of birth are required.

Is there a cut-off date for applications?

No. We accept applications throughout the year. We encourage you to submit an application as soon as possible, as delaying the submission of an application will reduce the chances of obtaining a place.

Do you accept international students?

Yes, we are registered with CRICOS to accept Full Fee Paying Overseas Students (FFPOS). CRICOS provider number: 00580G.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes. We offer scholarships for Year 7 and Year 11, Music Scholarships, and Indigenous Scholarships.
For details regarding specific Scholarships, please visit Scholarships page for further information.

What are the main entry points/intake years?

At Red Hill: Pre-School, Kindergarten, Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, Year 11, and any year level as a Boarder.
At Northside (Campbell): Pre-Kindergarten. Applications are welcome for all other years (non-main entry points), and in main entry points in-between terms, though places may only become available should a current student withdraw. If a place becomes available, the child at the top of the relevant waitlist would be offered the place.

What is the difference between Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten at CGS?

At CGS Pre-School is for 3 year olds, and our Pre-Kindergarten is for 4 year olds. Students can only commence Pre-School once they have turned 3 years old.

What is the difference between the Northside (Campbell) and Red Hill campuses?

The Northside campus is located in Campbell and has a smaller student population. Northside is home to one class in each Year level from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2, and has a total student population of approximately 100 students. When Northside students finish Year 2, they begin Year 3 at the Red Hill campus. The Red Hill campus has more than one class in each Year level from Pre-School to Year 2.

Can I change the desired entry Year on my child's existing application?

Yes. Please write to to specify which waitlist you would like to move the application to.

How do you decide who is offered a place?

The School will make offers according to our Admissions Policy to applicants on each waiting list, subject to interviews and assessment, in the following order until all places in each Year group are full:

  • Scholarship winners and applicants with academic scholarship results in the top 25% of external applicants by performance rank (applies to Years 7 and 11 entry only)
  • Siblings of current students by age at application date
  • Siblings and children of Canberra Grammar School Alumni by age at application date; and
  • Other applicants by age at application date (if applied after 1 May 2018).

An appropriate balance of girls and boys is maintained in each year level.

What are the chances of obtaining a place? Does my child have a waitlist number?

The best chance of obtaining a place is to submit an application as early as possible. For those who submitted an application before 1 May 2018, this means that your child’s application will be considered by the date of application. For those who submitted an application on or after 1 May 2018, your child’s application will be considered by their age at application.

The waitlist for each year level is unique. The waitlists are dynamic, not static, due to families moving, adding and withdrawing applications at all times. This means that a position can change because your child’s waitlist position is always relative to the other applications on that waitlist. This is also why a position can change if you move an application to a different waitlist. This is why we do not provide a waitlist number. If we provided a number or rank, that number would likely change shortly thereafter, rendering the previously provided number redundant.

When will we know if we might obtain a place?

For main entry points, we commence our enrolment process two calendar years prior to the entry year by emailing all families on the main entry point waitlists, requesting a Confirmation of Interest form be submitted. This process does not allow us to indicate if a place will be available in more than two years’ time. Please note that families can only be contacted using the details provided and it is the responsibility of families to inform the School of any changes in contact details after application.

For non-main entry point years, we may offer places as they arise. In that instance, we will contact the family at the top of the waitlist to offer an interview. Due to the number of applications we maintain, unfortunately we cannot contact families on non-main entry point waitlists to advise that a place has not been offered. We will instead move the applications to the subsequent waitlist.

We encourage families to be active in their involvement in the admissions process and we welcome your call to check on your child’s application.


Can we apply to be on more than one waitlist?

No. An application can only be on one waitlist at a time.

We recommend that you apply for the earliest possible year level that you would consider as it is to your advantage to be able to decline earlier, rather than to seek a place after we have begun making offers (ie two years prior for main entry years).

Does it help our chances of obtaining a place if I live in the area or my child is a high achiever?

No. We are not a selective school and we do not require students to sit an entrance test to obtain a place.
Your location also does not affect and is not considered in the application process.

I attended another grammar school – does my child receive a priority on their application?

No. We do not have any links to other grammar schools and therefore, any associations would not increase your child’s chances of obtaining a place.

Can we defer an offer?

No. Offers are for specified years and dates, and are not transferable. If you do not accept an offer, your child’s application returns to your nominated waitlist and their position will again be determined by their age at application (or date of application if made before 1 May 2018). You would not be disadvantaged on the waitlist if you decline an offer; likewise you are not advantaged in the future for having previously received an offer.

Do I have to pay to accept a place?

Yes. Payment of the School Renewal Charge (SRC) is required to secure and accept an offer of a place. The SRC is a one-time charge, and is collected on behalf of the CGS Foundation. It is non-refundable, not tax-deductible, and is paid per student, not per family.

Do you have other questions?

You can contact the Admissions Office by booking a phone call or completing the Enquiry Form below.

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