Leadership & Service

A leader does the right thing, not because someone is looking, but because it’s the right thing to do – even in complex or challenging circumstances. To lead successfully, a leader must also serve.

Canberra Grammar School is committed to developing leadership qualities in all our students, and leadership programs are available to those who want to extend those qualities. 

Our School Captains, House Captains, Vice-Captains and Year 12 Committee are provided with ongoing leadership development. At the same time, the Student Representative Council is elected from all year groups to allow students of different ages to share their thoughts and visions for the life of the School.

We also launched an inter-school leadership conference, with guest speakers from political, non-government, academic and sporting backgrounds. These industry leaders speak on developing a successful team and identifying what future leaders will need to shape the twenty-first century confidently.

CGS is always looking for exciting and engaging ways to develop students’ understanding of leadership and prepare them to be future international-minded leaders.